Reconciliation for a Lasting Peace (RLP)

A Reconciliation Program for Lebanon


25 years after formal end of the 1975 – 1990 war, the youth of Lebanon are growing up in a culture of violence, impunity, lack of opportunities, and ghettoization.

Many countries that suffered from violent conflicts such as Northern Ireland or South Africa or others have succeeded in treating their repercussions through an adequate and true reconciliation programs. More and more, “Reconciliation Programs” started to be a well-known fundamental element in building communities and states that suffered or still suffering from violent conflicts, especially in tackling past heritage and in developing constructive relations and trust between various parties. It also plays an important role in protecting and strengthening emerging democratic regimes.


The objective of the “Reconciliation for a Lasting Peace” program (RLP) is to encourage and promote reconciliation among the Lebanese people, and especially the youth, in order to restore trust between them, and pave the way towards a common vision for the future of the country. The RLP program is addressing the legacy of the past that keeps in transmitting the wounds from one generation to another.


  1. Create high awareness about the importance of the reconciliation process in the peace building journey, a process that was not implemented after the war has been ended.
  2. Release the tension between the former enemies by bringing together the former fighters and the war victims to a “safe place”.
  3. Increase the number of peacemakers and keep them connected together for more effectiveness.
  4. Minimize the spread of the violence legacy transmitted by the “war generations” to our young people.
  5. Establish a number of memorials in significant places with annual pre-defined dates to honor the martyrs and victims, and to keep their memories alive.